Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cheers to Jim Cramer, Street.com, Fast Money, Motley Fool, Minyanville, and Seeking Alpha as We Anticipate a Profitable 2012:

Q1 Focus List:

Q1 will have a minimum of 5 Trade Alerts, at least 3 will be Post Earnings Trade Alerts (PETA).

PETAs are sent Red-Eye (midnight ET). Please review the entire write-up and be prepared to trade on market open.

PETAs are sent after earnings, so the options could be less expensive and offer a better risk-reward set-up than trading ahead of earnings with large premiums. 

Most traders think they have missed out when a stock is up or down 5%+ post report, but that initial move is often only the beginning of something special. For clarification between a PFF ratio TA and a PETA, please go to the right margin.

PFFs and PETAs require several 12+ hour days of studying financial statements, rewinding conference calls, interpreting key news developments, technicalspolitics, macro factors, and the underlying psychology of price. Our goal is to send subscribers educational, aggressive, non-biased, well researched, and profitable write-ups.

 POTC remains firmly rooted in fiscal conservative principles. No bloated government agencies, bailouts, and stimulus packages is the mantra of our Capitalist Pig Bob (CPB). Darwinian free-markets with less fees and regulations are paramount to experiencing growth in GDP, and paradigmal business cycles; whether Railroads, Autos, Mining, or Telecoms, they all brought on the great economic cycles of prosperity.

Yet the advent of faster Computer Chips/Hardware, Software, and the Internet has leveled the global playing field. These technological 'advancements' are open for debate as to whether they are good or bad for cyclical prosperity. We think it varies from sector to sector, with some good and some bad paradigms evolving. Perhaps the regenerative medicine  sector will be the greatest beneficiary of this digital society.

Since more countries have the nuclear bomb, getting out of hard economic times by relying on the Drums of War doesn't work anymore. Guerrilla warfare and Drone technology are the reality on our nuclear planet, yet countries like North Korea having the bomb makes the world a dangerous place, especially for the residents of Seoul, South Korea. 

We are excited with the approaching 2012 Presidential campaign and election. CPB believes the U.S. will drown in mediocrity if our politicians continue to rail against Wall Street with their left hands while collaborating with their right. Donkeys and Elephants alike are to blame here, so you won't ever read that POTC supports any animal that bailed out Wall Street. If CPB had his way, men like Jon Corzine and Bernard Madoff would go straight from the courtroom to the live cable pay-for-view broadcast of the caning board. 

The average businessman is more confused on what future policies will cost him/her; that is the major driver behind the stagnant business and consumer psychology in our opinion. Capitalist Pig Bob wants to see Obamacare and Dodd-Frank fixed. Perhaps when the GOP candidate opens up a double-digit lead in Q2 that will be the beginning of some powerful themes in banking and health care. 

The $500M+ loss in Solyndra as well as the NY Congressional seat should have jarred this Administration. Capitalist Pig Bob was of that opinion after Scott Brown's victory and was proven wrong. Obama's actions post Brown were extremely partisan, and Obama care passed against the will of most Americans. Mandating anyone buy anything, including health care is a clear violation of the 10th Amendment. Obama's actions have been  troubling,  especially considering the November midterm 2010 Tea Party rout.

Everyone who buys a Yearly subscription will receive our #1 stock to go long and #1 stock to go short through July of 2012. 

Shrewd global political forces will influence legislation or lack thereof in the weeks and months ahead. These forces will be especially evident as the January 28th Q4 GDP number posts at 9:30 am ET. 

Every POTC subscriber will be informed ahead of all major market moving economic data from U.S., China, Europe, and India, with weekend S&P Market Timing/Directional Alerts throughout 2012.

Obama's bloated government ensures extended suffering for the private sector. CPB  despises this Administration's economic team as well as the FOMC's insistence on printing 'mo money.' A 0% interest rate policy has done nothing to heal banking or real estate psychology.

The cheap price of money has not helped stop the real recession in housing and employment. Low interest rates and quantitative easing have created the right atmosphere for growth, yet the businessman and consumer remains confused and scared as a result of too many regulations on the horizon. 

The past decade's string of bad events (stock market bubble of 2000, Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom collapse, 9/11 Terrorism, Wars, real estate collapse post 2003, Bailouts, and Stimulus in conjunction with emergence of technological efficiencies of the Internet, microprocessors, servers, smart phones, and now tablets) has put the entire world in a socioeconomic headlock. Getting a little dirt on your hands, through labor, has been lost and minimized to men trying to outmaneuver each other through any means other than real physical labor.  

The emergence of an uneven manufacturing playing field in terms of lower wages in the East, and the pegging of the Chinese Yuan to the U$D is an ongoing socioeconomic pickle.

How China unwinds this peg and avoids inflation will be a case study for generations to come. And if they don't unwind soon and U.S. GDP  posts < 2.5%+ in 2012, it could spring social unrest in countries like China and potential revolutions in orbital economically weak Euro countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy. This year's (2012) election in Greece is sure to rock the global markets, are you paying attention? 

Growth is the key, and how does the U.S. grow GDP when countries are pirating our goods and paying their citizens a much lower relative wage? It's likely the hard working Chinese will stand-up for higher wages if food inflation does not subside in 2012. 

The world is facing very complex socioeconomic issues literally in the weeks and months ahead. Our team is prepared to analyze these comeuppances and send profitable trade suggestions as they arise. Are you excited and on board with us for 2012?

The average Chinese manufacturing wage is around $2.50/hour compared to U.S. $16.00/hour, a 540% difference. The Yuan peg to the U$D is no doubt a major thorn and reason the U.S. has anemic GDP and employment outlooks.

The latest banking crisis crippling Europe reminds us of 2008 on a smaller scale. And we see a silver lining as the S&P holds above 1,200 even as these gaping structural banking faults are exposed. Our goal is to send aggressive and profitable trade suggestions with excellent risk reward parameters clearly spelled out. Yes, we do recommend subscribers use limit orders and electronic sell stops. 

Every subscriber receives our 11 Commandments that highlight aggressive  trading wisdoms and some Commandments apply to traditional cash accounts. The 11 Commandments  remind that scientific trading parameters must be used in order to book profits more consistently. 

The aggressive trader must be nimble and defensive in order to be successful over time, two traits that are difficult to learn when greed is tempting us to act irrationally from hour to hour. We teach you to avoid over-trading and forcing trades, two mortal sins of investment finance.

We always suggest strict entry and exit parameters, whether booking profits or taking losses in stride.

Subscribers to the blog are a diverse bunch since 2008: United States, India, China through  U.S. citizenship, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russia, Poland, Indonesia, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil,  Philippines, Canada, Japan, Chile, Argentina, Bahamas, Argentina, and Mexico.

Our individual stock option Trade Alerts and S&P Market Timing Alerts attempt to peg direction correctly. And if you enjoy trading the S&P e-minis (ES), Gold (GC), or Crude Oil (CL) futures, you should be very satisfied with your subscription to POTC, perhaps even more so than some of today's expensive Financial Advisors where your account is often times simply a number without a face. 

We are humbled by your trust and ready to slay the market in Q1, 2012. Let's Roll Down Wall Street together, patiently and as patriots looking forward to crowning Barry with a one-term asterisk on November 6, 2012. 

Capitalist Pig Bob : /

Friday, December 2, 2011

~Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012~ 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

POTC's Best Stock Option Trade thru Year-End Available until 2 p.m. ET, Monday Only:

Subscribers received this trade today and the feedback from 7  subscribers has been positive.

If you are not a subscriber but wish to receive our #1 option trade for year-end 2011, just use Paypal in the right margin.

Festive Regards to many as we approach Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year 2012!

Capitalist Pig Bob : /
~POTC's Political Ambassador of Truth through the Pivotal U.S. 2012 Presidential Election~ 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Week to Many..

A Happy Thanksgiving to our loyal subscribers who profited  in recent weeks.

The global socioeconomic  landscape has rarely been in bigger flux, we remain hopeful about the aggressive trading opportunities ahead.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Option Trade Alert for Nuance (NUAN) Closed:

All subscribers received this NUAN Trade Alert. If you are not a subscriber and would like to receive the next trade analysis, please use the PayPal menu and subscribe for the next Quarter. 

Nuance Communications (NUAN) Trade Available:

Monday After Close:
Analog Devices (ADI)
Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)
JinkoSolar (JKS)
Perfect World Company (PWRD)
Trina Solar (TSL)

Tuesday Before Open:
Campbell Soup (CPB)
Chico's FAS (CHS)
Cracker Barrel (CBRL)

Genesco (GCO)
Raven Industries (RAVN)

Tuesday After Close:
* Nuance Communications (NUAN)

In-depth Trade Alert for subscribers only. Please use Paypal in the right margin.

Thank You.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Regeneron Trade Closed; FDA Ruling Imminent:

Write-up explained what we thought was the best risk-reward  strategy for trading REGN options ahead of the FDA's ruling on Eylea; a drug for Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

FDA decision on Eylea is Imminent.

If you're not a subscriber but would like to receive future trades, please use Paypal in the right margin for a Quarter or Year through February 2013.

Cheers from the Psychology of the Call team (POTC) and the Ambassador of Truth through the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election:

Capitalist Pig Bob : /

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pig Congratulations to Every Yearly Subscriber; Valley Forge Moment for Free-Market Capitalism is Upon Us.

You know why and we are very happy for you (digital postage).

More theme businesses/stocks are in order. This pick was rooted in the oft dirty politics of money & banking. POTC promises to identify more political stocks like this before the PC herd of Wall Street analysts.  

The Psychology of the Call blog's Capitalist Pig Bob (CPB) is very concerned with the current political path that America has forged. The needle of the American free-market compass must be recalibrated back to normal ~economic cycles~, making the 57th quadrennial United States November 6, 2012 Presidential election a Valley Forge moment.

George W. Bush and Hank Paulson started the bailout snowball, yet the current Administration's policies have dislodged America's free-market psychology and placed it on a precipice.

It is widely known that AIG and the ratings agencies were inept and did not see the subprime crisis coming. But then rewarding bad private-sector decisions whether at Goldman Sachs, Countrywide Bank, Merrill Lynch, AIG, or Lincoln National has prolonged the private-equity freeze and the return of what must be normal ~economic cycles~    

The current U.S. Administration has placed us on a dangerous path. CPB is concerned that after a couple of left-field events occur, American citizens will only then experience how many precious freedoms they lost through this fiscal, monetary, and political stupidity of our leaders.  

Herman Cain reminds us that we Can Only Save the Savable. And the brilliant forward-thinker Newt Gingrich remains the model of a politician that we learn from, follow, and support. Newt's wisdom's are timeless & patriotic. There is a video at the end of this piece that powerfully explains the socioeconomic crises we face today, and how historic the 2012 election will be.

Repealing Obamacare, revamping Medicare (especially part D passed on George W. Bush's watch), Social Security, and parts of the Dodd-Frank bill are keys to our 'American' future.

America must condemn a kumbaya-welfare state of mind and all past and future bailouts, stimulus packages, and the central bank traps of quantitative easing (QE) and the flawed Zero-Japan interest rate policy. It's not the cost of money that's the problem, it's lack of confidence in a 'system' that has rewarded failure with bailout and stimulus then raised regulations to paradoxically prolong this psychological freeze.

What we must allow is an economic forest fire to burn the excess back to ash. The excesses created in housing and banking as a result of decades of bad legislation and central bank policies need be allowed to die in a natural economic cycle for a stronger system to root. If we continue to print money to pour water on this economic fire, we will solve nothing.

We must embrace bankruptcies in order for risk-takers to get excited and re-enter the market on a long-term basis. Simply switching private-sector debt to government balance sheets will loop to economic enslavement and slowly morph our Too-Big-To-Fail economy to a 21st Century form of Social-Crapitalism.

Pimco's Bill Gross and Mohamed El-Erian have referred to this cycle as the 'new normal', but we prefer to use the term the 'new abnormal'. How else could we describe an environment where the government overreaches with regulations, taxes, and fees, and then is called to 'Superman Save Us' after some left-field event that sends GDP deep into the red and an official recession? Yet we will likely fall into the longest depressionary cycle if Obama is re-elected in 2012.

The government must never play the role of economic Superman. Economic cycles must experience ~peaks and troughs~ with the least possible amount of government interference. It is dangerous when this 'new abnormal' cycle has convinced some citizens that Wall Street is the problem and little gripe is made of decades of failed legislation and entities like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

The occupy Wall Street movement is a sad reflection on the class warfare cord repeatedly struck by this partisan Administration. Never have I witnessed a U.S. President who berated Wall Street as much as Obama. Pig shame on this overbearing Administration.  

America must embrace private-sector bankruptcy again as a normal and healthy economic phenomenon, but especially in the banking sector where the foundation of free-markets must have that element of failure to rebuild confidence, re-root with fresh capital, and experience new growth.

It's growth that has been stymied by grubby government hands and Bernanke's Fed in my porky opinion (impo). As Reagan taught us:
Government is not the solution to our problems, Government is the problem.  

  Capitalist Pig Bob : /
As Newt passionately explains after the 7-minute mark, 'America was created by people who were willing to say 'Victory or Death' while marching across an icy river in burlap bags and in the middle of a snowstorm. We are going to have to find those people again today'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtjfMjjce2

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stamps.com (STMP) and Baidu.com (BIDU) in Focus:

Thursday after close:
Baidu (BIDU)
Cloud Peak (CLD)
Coinstar (CSTR)
Deckers (DECK)
Stamps.com (STMP)
Vertex (VRTX)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Minyanville Stands Behind Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN):


Our team asks Minyanville readers not to buy AMZN based on the above piece. The claim that the Kindle will 'add another leg to the stool' will be proven wrong.  And in our opinion, AMZN's foray into Tablets will not bear fruit as Professor Udall believes. 

We invite all Minyanville readers who trade stock options to sign-up for a subscription and Roll Down Wall Street with Us through the 2012 U.S. Presidential election. 

Managing risk with simple option strategies is our pledge to every subscriber. 

Warm October Regards as we do Everything in Our Power to Undermine Obamacare and that Despicable Dodd-Frank Act,

Capitalist Pig Bob : /

I am POTC's Political Ambassador of Truth through the 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Earnings this Week...

Tuesday after market close:
Amazon (AMZN)
Broadcom (BRCM)
F5 Networks (FFIV)

Wednesday the 26th before market open:
Allergan (AGN)
Ford (F)
Medco (MHS)
Nasdaq (NDAQ)

Wednesday after market close:
Ancestry.com (ACOM)
Visa (V)

Thursday the 27th before market open:
Citrix (CTXS)
Exxon (XOM)
Potash (POT)

Thursday after market close:
Baidu (BIDU)
Cloud Peak (CLD)
Coinstar (CSTR)
Deckers (DECK)
Stamps.com (STMP)
Vertex (VRTX)

Friday the 28th before market open:
BorgWarner (BWA)
Calpine (CPN)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thank You, ISRG Closed for Purchase:.

A stock option Trade Alert (TA) on ISRG is being written. This TA will be sent to all subscribers at 10 AM ET Tuesday. The company will release Q3 earnings after close on Tuesday.

POTC has covered ISRG since 2008 and we have excellent insights into their business.

If you are not a subscriber but interested in this aggressive stock option study, please use Paypal in the right margin.

Thanks for Reading, Educating, and Trading with Us, The entire Psychology of the Call team..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Google Inc. (GOOG) Closed..

will mark the start our Q3 Trade Alerts (TAs) on Thursday, October 13, at 10 AM ET. Every subscriber will receive this time sensitive stock option TA on schedule.

GOOG will release Q3, 2011 earnings after market close and host a live conference call at 4:30 PM ET on Youtube.

If you're not a subscriber but would like the GOOG stock option write-up, just use Paypal in the right margin.

Here's to a Happy & Healthy, Educational & Profitable quarter, the Psychology of the Call team (POTC)..---------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Q3's Stock Focus List, Subscription Info, and a Quick Explanation of the Lingering Socioeconomic Malaise~

'It's Time' for Q3's earnings. Here is our preliminary Focus List: AAPL, ACOR, AMZN, APKT, BIDU, CMG, CRM, DNDN, FCX, GOOG, GS, ISRG, LULU, MS, PCLN, STMP, REGN, and WFMI. Please read through the Psychological Financial Fusion (PFF ratio) Trade Alert and act by market close. You'll have 5.5 hours to earnings release to either buy a call, put, or do nothing. With the Post Earnings Trade Alerts (PETAs), be prepared to read through the entire analysis and act on market open. PETA's are sent after earnings, so the options are cheaper and offer a nice risk-reward profile. When most think they have missed a trade when a stock crosses up 5%+ CNBC, we know it's often only the beginning of making some Mad Money. For further clarification between a PFF and PETA, please go to the right margin. If you're not a subscriber, please sign-up through Paypal in the right margin. We chose Paypal since it is one of the most secure and trusted Internet payment processors. PFF ratio Trade Alerts require several 12+ hour days of studying financial statements, rewinding conference calls over and over, interpreting key news developments, technicals, politics, and the underlying psychology of share price with a forward-looking and often contrarian bent.

Our goal is to send subscribers: educational, aggressive, non-biased, well researched, and profitable Trade Alerts.

POTC remains firmly rooted in fiscal conservative principles. No bloated government agencies, bailouts, and stimulus packages is our mantra.

We are excited with the approaching 2012 Presidential campaign and election. We will introduce you to Capitalist Pig Bob's pigtailed girlfriend Tea Party Sally soon. They are currently on vacation somewhere on Maui.

Pig Bob believes the U.S. will drown in mediocrity if the politicians continue to rail against Wall Street and the average businessman trying to succeed at the American Dream.

The $500M+ loss in Solyndra as well as the NY Congressional seat should have jarred this Administration's intellect, yet we thought that before after Scott Brown and were proven very wrong. Obama's actions have been extremely partisan. This development is troubling, but especially after the November midterm 2010 demolition of democrats. If you buy a Quarterly or Yearly subscription by October 1, you'll receive our #1 stock to go long and #1 stock to go short for the next 6 months.

Shrewd global political forces will influence legislation or lack thereof in the weeks and months ahead. These forces will be especially evident as the October 27th Q3 GDP number posts at 9:30 am ET. POTC subscribers will be well informed ahead of all major market moving economic data points.

Obama's bloated government ensures extended suffering for the private sector. Our Capitalist Pig Bob despises this Administration's economic team as well as the FOMC's insistence on printing more and more money. A 0% interest rate policy has done nothing to nudge banking / credit / or real estate psychology. POTC believes that the cheap price of money (low interest rates) have extended the recession in housing and employment since it has created a confused and scared consumer. And this decades bad string of events: NASDAQ Bubble of 2000, Enron, 9/11 Terrorism, Wars, Bailouts and Stimulus, in conjunction with emergence of the technological efficiencies have all put the U.S. into a socioeconomic bind. The creation of an uneven global manufacturing playing field in terms of slave wages and then pegging of the Chinese Yuan to the U$D is an ongoing socioeconomic damnation. How China unwinds this peg and avoids inflation will be a case study. And if they don't unwind soon and U.S. GDP goes into the red (negative), it could spring social unrest in China and potential revolutions in orbital economically weak Euro countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy. Growth is the key, and how does the U.S. get growth in GDP when pirating goods and software, combined with an extremely low minimum wage has been China's M.O. It's likely the hard working Chinese will stand-up for human wages if food inflation becomes a bigger issue in 2012.

The world faces very complex socioeconomic issues in the months and years ahead in POTC's opinion. Our team is prepared to analyze these comeuppances and send trade profitable trade suggestions as they arise. Are you excited and on board with us for Q3?

The average Chinese manufacturing wage is around $2.50/hour compared to the U.S.'s $16.00, a 540% difference. The Yuan peg to the U$D could be a major reason why the U.S. has zero growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Employment. Do you view the Eastern economies as a fair trading partners or do you think some are pirating too much, paying too little, and hence a thorn to GDP and Employment?

The latest banking crisis crippling Europe is reminding many of 2008 all over again. Yet the S&P is holding above 1, 100 as these massive structural global banking fault lines are exposed.

Hundreds of subscribers enjoy the one-on-one trading advice and assistance via e-mail. POTC's goal is very aggressive and profitable trade suggestions. Every subscriber receives the 11 Commandments that highlight key investment wisdoms regarding traditional as well as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).

The 11 Commandments stress and suggest more scientific trading parameters be employed. 'The 11 Commandos' are reviewed and refined with "Lessons Learned", as well as on your advice.

The aggressive trader must be nimble and defensive in order to be successful over time, two traits that are difficult to learn when greed is tempting us to act irrational. We always suggest strict trade triggers / parameters, whether booking profits or accepting losses.

Subscribers to the blog are a diverse bunch since 2008: United States, India, China via U.S. citizenship, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russia, Poland, Indonesia, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, Philippines, Canada, Japan, Chile, Argentina, Bahamas, Argentina, and Mexico. Our team is confident that you will enjoy our trading information, advice, and assistance for years to come. Our short and long-term trade psychology is often times different than talking heads on CNBC and Bloomberg, as their interests are usually 'Buy and Hold' and or influenced by large institutional clientele that are not able to trade due to the large commissions they'd incur. Our Trade Alerts are effective in pegging individual stock option as well as broad market S&P direction for all who aspire to trade S&P e-mini (ES), Gold (GC), and Crude Oil (CL) futures on electronic platforms that charge small fees, giving you a big cost advantage over the traditional stock broker / financial advisor.

We are humbled by your trust and ready for the Q3 battle. Let's Roll Down Wall Street Together~



Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Shall Never Forget September 11, 2001

May God bless all killed and every family member still grieving.

In Memory of Patriots like Todd Beamer and his men,
'Are you guys ready? Let's roll' were the last words his wife heard over the cell phone from Flight 93..


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Be Prepared for the Commodity Bull in Metals to End; 2012 U.S. and Chinese Elections in Focus.

POTC thanks Simon Jester for submitting  this forward looking piece. We first published a piece from Simon in October of 2009 (link). The piece was spot-on correct.

There is a rift between what the U.S. government reports regarding inflation and what the investing public experiences, a disparity not covered enough by the mainstream media. Identifying a long-term investment strategy that will outperform, during these times of experimental economic models, is the goal of my piece. 

'Wealthy' Americans, who had more than $1M in liquid assets in 2010, grew their wealth by about 9%. But I found that 9% number to be unimpressive when I dug deeper: official inflation numbers.

The Fed's quantitative easing (QE) rounds I & II forced investors away from traditional growth vehicles. Bonds outperformed stocks and commodities outperformed all since October of 2010.

If the Fed goes with Q3 III, I expect the same investor behavior. I do not think Q3 will occur as a new dawn in GDP growth is about to begin since this is an election year in the United States and China. And fiscal move to the center should work to loosen the stranglehold of fear and invite risk appetite back to the equation.   

When the so called wealthy have experienced modest gains to slight losses versus real consumer inflation, this must change soon or the current Administration will have little  chance to win another term. I feel something will be done in the Energy sector to stimulate jobs. I like natural gas business models as mounting pressure of national unemployment weighs. We could find out within a week if the Obama Administration is ready to stop over-regulating and begin creating jobs in the green pasture that is U.S. natural gas.  

Since the wealthy Americans have lost a good chunk of their net worth with the value of real estate, some government action in this area would bring back some confidence. The monetary side has been exhausted so now the fiscal side must begin to act or a second term has no chance. The wealthy are the job creating engines in the private sector, so the long-term market strategies that they legislate in the next few months should work for the wealthy first.

Short term market fluctuations will always allow active traders the opportunity to make money, especially if you use strict trading parameters: Psychology of the Call's (POTC) 11 Commandments are a good example. 

However, if you followed my advice after POTC published my first piece on October 27, 2009 you did wonderful. I outlined a value argument defending gold, silver, and farm commodities. Even corn beat real inflation numbers. The combination of those assets have outperformed every Holy Grail S&P money manager and mutual fund. I look forward to sending POTC more articles as this economic cycle develops and as my time permits.

Today I am backing away from the wealth retention / value argument of owning commodities and predict that we are in the early stages of witnessing the gold bubble burst. The next boom cycle will cause a bust in most commodities as investors jump from wealth retention to wealth generating vehicles. But I cannot tell you with certainty if this shift will occur gradually or suddenly. But I believe it will still be associated with better than expected global growth rates in GDP as fiscal stimulus measures take center stage.

Where should you place your bets now, CDs, Treasuries? Both still offer negative rates of return versus inflation but they are a way to retain wealth over what I think will be the worst place, gold and silver.

History shows us that commodity markets unwind with great passion, fervor, and volatility. Commodities are great when they work, but when they begin to rust, they are like a love story gone bad.

POTC has stated that the unwinding phenomenon in commodities often causes whipsaws in prices that destroy the most seasoned trader. 4%+ intraday swings in gold and silver will occur and impact the stock market (S&P) similarly. When we witness this volatility in metals, that could be a sign that money is moving out and will start being reallocated into stocks.

I envision money will flow out of commodities and stream into great businesses / stocks. For all looking to increase wealth, stocks should be the best show in town through 2012 at least.

My favorite sectors are technology and select energy, specifically natural gas. So what to buy?

Well, in a fearful economy there is always greater reward for risk. You have to be patient and not sell when everyone else is and vice verse.  My strategy is not short-term, I do expect jaggedness along the path. I will not panic as market scares repeat and offer opportunity.

Look for depressed industry leaders that experience a spike down in share price following quarterly earnings. In Technology, look into chip makers such as Intel (INTC) or Micron (MU). The financial health of a company is not tied to a single quarterly earnings release, it is tied to R&D and manufacturing capacity. So look for companies that are investing in the future, companies that have strong cash reserves. And then if they suffer a fall after a supposed 'bad' quarter, you should buy and hold them.

Caterpillar (CAT) had over a billion dollars in revenues last quarter and Wall Street was “disappointed.” Did you buy it when it dipped?

The emerging bust of commodities and the eventual “boom” of the stock market means that you must be looking around for bargains now. Buy like POTC suggests, incrementally in equal dollar amounts over a 3-week or even 6-month period. I am not a trader but an investor, but you could apply the way you build long-term positions to trading as well.

I cannot 100% predict what inflation will do or will not do, nobody can. But I know that if I invest in businesses with great management and competitive advantages when the cycle turns their way, I will make money. Countless “experts” are torn whether the commodity bubble will burst. So while they are debating, I recommend you should be building positions in my favorite stocks that could be up big by 2012.

Whether you like or hate Warren Buffet's politics lately, remember that he did have a vast majority of his investments in Coca Cola (KO) at one time. So the notion of buy quality when it dips and do not get discouraged; let the others get discouraged. Buy when they give up and are confused.

I consider favorable demographic winds continuing from the East, but especially China and India. If you can buy under one standard deviation from the historical average and sell one standard deviation above the historical average, you will guarantee yourself success. The key to this strategy is identifying long-term value stocks and using them as tools for creating wealth over time. Now is that time.

Over the last several weeks history was made with almost day to day 4% stock market whips, this was due to massive uncertainty. This massive uncertainty has created some real bargains in my opinion. I continue to suggest buying stocks for the long run. Right now I am very impressed with the R&D coming out of IBM for example.

Simon Jester's bottom line:
Buy innovative technology businesses and energy companies in the natural gas industry. If you accept my strategy of buying slowly and holding great businesses, you will be rewarded throughout the upcoming 2012 political / election year. Lastlt, I thank POTC for editing this piece as I work overseas and have limited computer access.

Capitalist Pig Bob Wants You to Know What Most Remain Silent About; Obama's Muslim Brotherhood Cabinet; the West and Jews Are in the Crosshairs..

The video below is a must watch in my porky opinion (impo),  'butt' especially Jews that vote for democrats. My pig heart hopes that Mr. Tarek's wisdoms jar their collective intellect.

If the stated Muslim Brotherhood's goal is to destroy Israel and the Western Devil, how could they be considered for employment in the White House?

Please listen to the part when Tarek mentions that Jews are being counted at a University in Canada. Could only imagine if this was done with any other religious group?
Some of our 'friends' are afraid of offending anybody, not my pig heart. 
After I learned that Obama has 3 Muslim Brotherhood cabinet members offering policy advice, that made me very upseet.

Capitalist Pig Bob
~Not Silent~

Monday, August 29, 2011

Shanda Interactive Entertainment (SNDA)

SNDA reports Q2, 2011 results Tuesday, August 30 after market close.

Post Earnings Trade Alert (PETA) coming Tuesday night after market close.

All subscribers will receive this PETA Red-Eye / midnight ET.

You will have the morning pre-market hours to review and place a trade up or down, usually on market open or in close proximity.

Our team is excited to be studying SNDA, we look forward to an educational and profitable trade.

Thank You.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Armed U.S. Marshalls vs Gibson Guitar Co.

Please watch this entire video, there are sound distractions at certain points due to planes over head, but some of the facts and accusations are mind numbing.

Capitalist Pig Bob wanted you to know what kind of anti business current we're up against in an economy that posted Q2 GDP of only 1%; that 1% is after pouring Trillions of dollars of stimulus and bailouts. 

Confiscating $1M worth of wood and jeopardizing 600 jobs in this Memphis, TN Gibson guitar plant is reprehensible. The first raid came in 2009 under Obama and Holder's watch. CEO Henry Juszkiewicz said the final decision of that case is still uncertain as the Department of Justice asked for a 'Stay', so in effect draggng the case on as Gibson's business operations, jobs, and reputation are left hanging in the wings.

The fact Gibson's CEO said any person that resells their guitar in the U.S. could be criminally prosecuted alerts  my pig brain that these sitting Donkeys have their heads stuck inside their asses.

Is the Obama Administration's focus on stalling any recovery in the private sector and awarding more power to the Federal Government, sad reflection what we're up against my pigs and piglets.

Imagine if we were to experience another horrific left field event after the U.S. Gov't overreaches and becomes all powerful, we will lose a lot more than our money.

Anyone against Wall Street or any other private business sector must rethink ASAP. As the saying goes:
 If you don't stand up just because you're not part of the targeted group, in this case Gibson Guitar Co., you may be next...

Thanks, Pig Bob.