Wednesday, June 11, 2014

POTC's Pork Reveals its World Cup Final: Brazil vs Portugal

Capitalist Pig Bob sees the political winds blowing favorably at this FIFA event for Brazil butt against Argentina. Though I agree with the brass at GS that Brazil will make it to the Final I smell Argentina being booted-out within the 1st 2-rounds, then
great debate over the 'bad' calls on the field by the referees.

As the main Political and now World Cup Correspondent for POTC here's my Final:
Brazil vs Portugal. Game could end in a tie and then exhaust OT play and go into penalty kicks.
  • If game ends in normal or OT play the winner will be Portugal 3 - 2.
  • If game goes to penalty kicks the winner will be Brazil.
This is different than GS's Final of Brazil 3 - 1 over Argentina, as I see Argentina being sent to an early political exit.

Here's some quick thoughts from Capitalist Piglet Alice (CPA), rooted more in piglet vanity yet potentially more powerful than GS's Final call nonetheless:

"I was a Commercial Art major before switching to Business, so I will defer to Capitalist Pig Bob's sports expertise in predicting the Winner, and instead will pick the Best Use of Color & Style in the kits (uniforms).  My choice is Spain ~ muy sexy!"


Tradition be damned. The defending champions celebrate that distinction by using gold stripes and a golden crest on their head-to-toe red home look. But the away has none of that. Spain will feature an all-black kit with neon green—known as “electricity”—accents throughout. There’s no tradition there.
(Description courtesy Sports Illustrated)

Kit trivia:  Out of the 32 teams, Nike sponsors 10, Adidas 9, Puma 8, and 5 lesser known companies sponsor the remaining 5.

Best of luck to all nations and let's see whether the pork at POTC or brass at GS is better at picking World Cup winners, Bring It On !

Friday, June 6, 2014

Goldman Sachs (GS) vs Psychology of the Call's (POTC) Pigs; Which Team will Prevail?

"Goldman rates host nation Brazil as the heavy favorite with a 48.5 percent chance. It says it will beat Argentina 3 to 1 in the final on July 13".  
(see GS's entire piece below).

POTC's Capitalist Piglet Alice (CPA) and Capitalist Pig Bob (CPB) will offer a direct response to the brass as GS regarding their World Cup winner before the June 11th. games begin.

Thanks for your greedy  and Capitalistic Attention!

​As chief global equity strategist at Goldman Sachs (GS), Peter Oppenheimer typically meets with central bankers, government officials, and other financial luminaries. A May 8 sitdown was considerably more enjoyable: Oppenheimer interviewed four Brazilian soccer stars for a special Goldman report on the World Cup, a quadrennial publication eagerly anticipated by clients and bank employees alike as a break from the usual econometric fare.

“I explained to them that I wasn’t from a normal press outlet. I work for a bank, doing research, looking at the connectivity between markets and football,” Oppenheimer says of his chat with the athletes known as Ramires, Oscar, Willian, and David Luiz. A snapshot in the report shows David Luiz, the Brazilian vice captain, with his arm around the suited, beaming banker.

The 2014 report, the fifth Goldman has released, weighs in at a substantial 67 pages. Published on May 27, The World Cup and Economics 2014 is partly tongue-in-cheek, partly rigorous, and entirely entertaining to Goldman’s international clientele. There’s a “stochastic model” that predicts the final score of all 64 World Cup matches, based on a data set of all international play since 1960, as well as analyses of the athletic and economic strength of each country—mixing observations about Croatia’s hard currency debt liabilities and superstar Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. 

Goldman rates host nation Brazil as the heavy favorite with a 48.5 percent chance. It says it will beat Argentina 3 to 1 in the final on July 13.
“It’s a lighthearted way to use some of our tools on something that’s quite different from predicting nonfarm payroll numbers and interpreting central bank moves,” says Jan Hatzius, Goldman’s chief economist, who organized the report with chief markets economist Dominic Wilson and others. “People take it very seriously,” Hatzius says. “We basically ask for volunteers, and the sign-ups are very rapid.” More than three dozen Goldman employees contributed. “Clients love it,” says Oppenheimer. “Also, it’s been a difficult year for lots of people in the financial markets. Industry performance has been tough, and it’s a nice sort of diversion, really.”
Most Goldman research publications are available only to paying clients. The World Cup report is posted as a free download online. “I can tell you that nothing, absolutely nothing that we write over four years gets as much attention and exposure as this publication,” says Alberto Ramos, the bank’s head of Latin American economic research, who wrote profiles of Mexico and Brazil.

“I started receiving e-mails from clients about three months ago—‘When are you guys doing this? I want to receive a copy,’ ” Ramos says. The first report came out in 1998 under the direction of Jim O’Neill, famous for being a soccer obsessive and for coining the acronym BRIC, for the emerging-market economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. He retired as chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management in 2013.
The treatise is especially popular abroad, Hatzius says. “In Latin America, of course, it’s huge,” he says. “The main Brazilian evening news had a two-minute segment, which is a little scary, frankly, because now we feel like we’re on the hook if Brazil ends up not winning this thing. I worry about my next trip down there.” Some concern is warranted—Goldman has so far gone 0 for 4 predicting the champion.


CPA and CPB to the GS brass: Cheers, and bring on the matches!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Introducing our new Team Member: Capitalist Piglet Alice..

With humble hearts as we continue to improve our aggressive stock options trading services, POTC proudly introduces our newest team member: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Capitalist Piglet Alice

Her Communications via email and phone as a normal Partner have been imposing since 2011. Working as a CPA for several decades this Piglet understands the intricacies often buried in Financial Statements; her resume boasts work for Oil and Manufacturing cos and eventually a privately run Tax and Accounting practice. 

Greetings to every POTC Partner from Capitalist Piglet Alice,

I became interested in trading stock options about the same time I became a CPA.  I mainly relied on broker recommendations (ugh), and the high commissions made it hard to profit.  Without much success I quit trading altogether for a few years.  
Then after on-line trading became prevalent with much lower fees and commissions around 2003, I began to make my own decisions and trades.  I was able to interpret the Accounting very well so I thought I wasn't making some giant leap, yet..  
I would describe my on-line trading strategy as rooted in fundamental analysis and more often than I care to admit many "seat of my pants" calls where some worked but most did not.  Another disadvantage is that I only followed and traded the same 4 or 5 cos over and over.  Many of my successful trades were more a result of luck when I compare to what I know today.  
About 3-years ago I signed-up to POTC and slowly began to change my trading ways.  I am a witness that POTC doesn't just mention the 'Educational Journey' Partners are about to take in their Welcome Letter, they truly walk the walk and I am proud to be their go-to CPA. 
As a result of following POTC's write-ups, analyses, etc., my Accounting expertise was reinvigorated as I found myself applying multi-pronged research strategies: listening to Corp conference calls, studying charts, volume, after-market price activity, analysts opinions, and then after seeing the actual numbers my conviction in entering a trade has grown exponentially. 
After I profit today, there are usually many variables that I understand over just intuition or even my professional Accounting background which is the reason POTC hired me.  Sometimes financial statements can often conceal more than they reveal.  
POTC wants to ensure they understand some of the more difficult Accounting lines, but especially the footnotes, as the market is going higher as a result of what I call belt-tightening/cost cutting that is dominant in many sectors over growth in revenues; or as my team always refers to as growth in Sales.  
Of course POTC's Partners are not required to get as involved as I did since many don't have time and choose to trade alongside POTC if the write-up/psychology makes sense, or not trade and just watch and take notes. 
As a CPA I am required to complete a certain number of hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) each year.  So I enjoyed verifying POTC's fundamental analysis while learning several new research areas I never took advantage of. 
I know from personal experience that if a Partner has a little extra time, he or she will reap long-term benefits by studying the often interesting final Directional thesis of the PEETA. The educational opportunities that come with being a POTC Partner are somewhat similar to my 'Continuing Professional Education' as a CPA; just one reason why I am excited to be an official member of the POTC team. 
Any Partner who has been involved for a while for at least 1-year knows that POTC is continually Evolving.  About 6 Quarters ago when they developed the Post Earnings Educational Trade Alert (PEETA) trading strategy is when I gained confidence and starting reaping the educational benefits and booking profits more consistently than ever.  The PEETA has been very effective and I congratulate my team for pegging Direction correctly so often. 
I recall a few Quarters ago after YHOO reported and almost every person on CNBC's Fast Money was bullish for the following day. So when POTC sent a bearish Red-Eye thesis I was surprised, yet they called Direction correctly even as the easiest route was to follow the so-called experts. 
The experts turned out to be wrong,  another example why I think POTC's multi-faceted write-ups are different and impressive. Obviously no trader or service will get every trade right, so I like the fact that when there's a mistake made, POTC more often than not will log a Lesson Learned and they promise to never commit the same mistake twice. 
Also, no new Partner may sign-up unless they are referred by a current Partner.  This forces the service to improve from Quarter to Quarter or no referrals will result. A referral focused model keeps the number of traders at a manageable level to maximize personal attention. I have never come across a service where you ask a question and you receive a long and thorough response. 
I encourage all Partners to answer the challenge when we ask for your insights about next-day Direction or for comments and suggestions. Two of my favorite POTC wisdoms: 
  • "Some of our best ideas come from our Partners." 
  • "If you learn and make moneywe learn and make money."
And one of POTC's favorite Chinese Proverbs:
  • "Tell me and I'll forget, Show me and I may remember, but Involve me and I will Understand."

Capitalist Piglet Alice, POTC's CPA Correspondent.