Sunday, December 27, 2009

Next U.S. President May have to Live up to George Washington's Aggressive Legacy of Corrective Actions; We Owe Allegiance to No Crown ..

I think President Obama's leadership is re-awakening the socioeconomic base of true free-market capitalists and doctrinal Judeo-Christians.
The United States may be on the verge of one the most anomalous turning points in Constitutional history since the days of President George Washington.
If this Obama Administration continues to pass 100% partisan and anti free-market legislation: Healthcare (60 - 39 straight-line vote), and pending Energy Cap and Trade, and Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), then the odds of witnessing positive long-term change in 2013 increase greatly.
Perhaps an American Renaissance will envelope our hearts and minds from border to border and sea to shining sea. Where core values of pursuing life and liberty are celebrated, and where fiscal conservative philosophies of lower taxes and smaller government re-emerge and re-ignite today's flickering American spirit.
Will 2013 prove to be a fresh beginning of what worked very well for more than two centuries? Long live winners and losers, peaks and troughs, bubbles and busts, fear and greed, as well as socialists and capitalists; all necessary extremes so the burning torch of the American dream is passed to the next generation of children.
What made the United States the model global free-market society - and what enables healthy market cycles - are fewer government strings, not more. Though this latest economic bust was more costly and emotionally painful than any in recent past, every generation goes through a time when the world is "coming to an end".
The cyclical beauty of capitalism is rooted in the ability of risk takers to continually restore balance, not a bigger government imbalance of stricter rules and regulations like this Obama Administration is pushing. The brave pioneers divorced themselves from the European Crown centuries ago, and we must refuse to owe allegiance to any form of authoritive government.
Continue to legislate risk-taking away from entrepreneurs through a burdensome/centralized government and our free-market will extinct. Our children's behavior could become fogged by an acceptance of laziness and that being average is great.
Just like our greatest and most valiant founding father George Washington Amended the Constitution through 10 Amendments - Bill of Rights in 1791 - the next president may have to take decisive correction action so the core principles of smaller government and respect for life and liberty are unable to be changed. 
I think today's donkey majority is blatantly and wrongly taking advantage of the cyclical economic trough we experienced after 9/11 and then accounting scandals at Enron and several other firms. The financial crisis that developed was the fault of many moving pieces, butt today's bottom left pending legislation of Cap and Trade and EFCA may have to be reversed through powerful Amendments to the Constitution as in 1791:
Here's hoping President Obama does a sudden 180. His insistence of hemorrhaging U.S. dollars chokes off a young man's or woman's entrepreneurial spirit, perhaps even enslaving it to mediocrity. Is this first black president's behavior not paradoxical in a post slavery America, I think so ..   
President Obama thinking is fiscally and socially flawed and poses danger to our nation's future. President Barack Obama risks the fate of being forever googled alongside arguably the worst and least valiant President, Jimmy Carter. 
Capitalist Pig Bob


Anonymous said...

very good work ,)
Rebecca D.

Chris said...

We apparently need a heavy blow from our blindside to kick us into our America again. When actions like what the Govt is blanketing us with continue, people either accept and cease to defend or they become hot, bothered and kick the covers off! Hopefully it's going to be a hot one!

Anonymous said...

lked the videos bob, jp

Anonymous said...

I believe Glenn Beck copied your thoughts this morning on radio program.
Gina C.