The facts: President Obama and Professor Gates = Harvard, liberal, black, pro-union.
Police Officer = white, liberal, pro-union.
The result of this emotional crisis is priceless, but especially for conservatives and independents. This type of event exposes the short-sightedness of most liberals, and be it known, these are pretty highly regarded. Every person mentioned above is and was wrong in their behavior, and thank Zeus they are all liberal and pro-union. More reason for EFCA to stall perhaps. Are police officers' significant others not in the medical field, especially nursing?
Could this seemingly tiny presidential slip of the lip bleed and contaminate health care reform? If Gates sues the Cambridge police dept and President Obama doesn't apologize. Wow, Obama could be called to testify the cop profiled and acted stupidly, what a circus. We are sure today's union police conference cannot be undone, so no apologies forthcoming.
POTC believes all parties involved here got too colorful, yet these types of events sway public opinion polls and investors. The nuances and paradoxes here are many. Could Obama's liberal fiscal agenda stall with what should have been a forgotten episode? Perhaps Obama apologizes quickly and throws another big mouthed liberal in Gates under the bus...
Wonder what side of this mess Mrs. Nancy Pelosi will take. Party at Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's house tonight no doubt, VP Joe Biden is not invited, stories developing fast....
Xcellent is all i got !!
Wanna have a bear? I say the cop demands Gates and Obama drink bourbon, and let the cameras roll!
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