Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Falling Japanese Yen is a Negative Development for U.S. Equities

POTC would like to remind all forward-thinkers about Dennis Gartman's warning, made approximately two months ago on Dylan Ratigan's 'Fast Money' show. Gartman stressed the importance of the Japanese Yen's stability to the U.S. capital markets. Tonight the Yen crumbled to a 3 month low against the U.S. dollar and that could be a catalyst for many hedge funds to sell stocks tomorrow. Japan's economic crisis is turning political now and the country's confidence is eroding by the hour:
The Psychology of the Call team thanks you for your late night/early morning attention.


Anonymous said...

I def think you're right, he did comment abt the yen!

Anonymous said...

just excellent

Anonymous said...

Agree, excellent IF somebody acted, and I did not once again. You guy/s are good though, very scary good.