Tuesday, April 1, 2008

MSN reports Greenberg's Interview (as we did 7 hours previously)

Ex-AIG CEO Greenberg sees more credit turmoil: CNBC http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/provider/providerarticle.aspx?feed=OBR&date=20080401&id=8424775


Anonymous said...

My wife and I listened to Mr. Greenberg on CNBC and were amazed you actually posted his comments faster than any other news wires. Your blog is more informative than any other we found, we read it every day. Do you have advertising aspirations or will you just keep offering it for free?
David and Judy from Long Island

Anonymous said...

Judy, David, thanks for the kind words. We plan on rolling out an Internet portal very soon. We're working hard to make sure readers like you will embrace the site. We'll keep advertising to a minimum (don't want to be another "Motley Fool"). We're planning to offer conference call analysis and a monthly subscription service that will include geo-political articles, related theme investment strategies, as well as time sensitive individual stock buys and shorts. Our head analyst has years of experience with IBs and is very, very good at what he does. Thanks for your interest.