There is a rift between what the U.S. government reports regarding inflation and what the investing public experiences, a disparity not covered enough by the mainstream media. Identifying a long-term investment strategy that will outperform, during these times of experimental economic models, is the goal of my piece.
'Wealthy' Americans, who had more than $1M in liquid assets in 2010, grew their wealth by about 9%. But I found that 9% number to be unimpressive when I dug deeper: official inflation numbers.
The Fed's quantitative easing (QE) rounds I & II forced investors away from traditional growth vehicles. Bonds outperformed stocks and commodities outperformed all since October of 2010.
If the Fed goes with Q3 III, I expect the same investor behavior. I do not think Q3 will occur as a new dawn in GDP growth is about to begin since this is an election year in the United States and China. And fiscal move to the center should work to loosen the stranglehold of fear and invite risk appetite back to the equation.
When the so called wealthy have experienced modest gains to slight losses versus real consumer inflation, this must change soon or the current Administration will have little chance to win another term. I feel something will be done in the Energy sector to stimulate jobs. I like natural gas business models as mounting pressure of national unemployment weighs. We could find out within a week if the Obama Administration is ready to stop over-regulating and begin creating jobs in the green pasture that is U.S. natural gas.
Since the wealthy Americans have lost a good chunk of their net worth with the value of real estate, some government action in this area would bring back some confidence. The monetary side has been exhausted so now the fiscal side must begin to act or a second term has no chance. The wealthy are the job creating engines in the private sector, so the long-term market strategies that they legislate in the next few months should work for the wealthy first.
History shows us that commodity markets unwind with great passion, fervor, and volatility. Commodities are great when they work, but when they begin to rust, they are like a love story gone bad.
POTC has stated that the unwinding phenomenon in commodities often causes whipsaws in prices that destroy the most seasoned trader. 4%+ intraday swings in gold and silver will occur and impact the stock market (S&P) similarly. When we witness this volatility in metals, that could be a sign that money is moving out and will start being reallocated into stocks.
Look for depressed industry leaders that experience a spike down in share price following quarterly earnings. In Technology, look into chip makers such as Intel (INTC) or Micron (MU). The financial health of a company is not tied to a single quarterly earnings release, it is tied to R&D and manufacturing capacity. So look for companies that are investing in the future, companies that have strong cash reserves. And then if they suffer a fall after a supposed 'bad' quarter, you should buy and hold them.
Simon Jester's bottom line:
Buy innovative technology businesses and energy companies in the natural gas industry. If you accept my strategy of buying slowly and holding great businesses, you will be rewarded throughout the upcoming 2012 political / election year. Lastlt, I thank POTC for editing this piece as I work overseas and have limited computer access.
Definitely agree Simon, stocks will rise as gold falls. George L.
interesting piece, election matter Joy[;}
What is IBM doing that you like SJ?
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