Double donkey standard will not get lost with
Capitalist Pig Bob.
CPB insists Nancy Pelosi resign or be removed as House Speaker:
Could only imagine IF this was a republican woman, the wrath of the godless donkeys would come down with full force of tongue and mass media.
I loved Bush, never understood the hatred towards him. Bama is spending 8X what he criticized Bush for ($400B vs $3.4T) on the campaign entrails. Just hypocracy to the tenth degree here.
Pelosi is a disgrace to California and Catholics.
California Mike
I agree with most of the political points in your blog, but honestly I miss when you covered the market events. You seem to have missed out on a lot of the psychology during this bear rally, most notably the stress tests, which I have to credit the Obama team on getting right (something that doesn't happen often). Lately, this has seemed more like a slanted political blog rather than the market analysis I've appreciated all these years. I can read other blogs to see what CPB thinks about Nancy Pelosi.
Although we respect your opinion, we disagree about giving Obama ANY credit for the stress tests. Think about it, what happened to the toxic assets? The stress tests were nothing more than a political ploy. And we actually sent all subscribers an e-mail to buy ahead of stress tests, are you sure you read everything we write? We turned bullish on March 1st with the Pendulum piece, see archive.
Again, we respect your opinion, but we refuse to change our principles.
Do you realize how influential Pelosi is in fiscal matters?
Agree with potc here.
I like more coverage on stocks. Use the politics without showing it. We all know Obama has spent more money than all presidents combined. That is what will make for interesting trading in the next several months. More stock and option picks like First Solar please.
Nancy P.
Don't change a thing, market risk is influenced by loons like Pelosi. Policies with 60 democrats will be monumental for sector movements.
Also do not get why Palin is attacked. A woman who achieved a lot and is rooted in what seem to be true American thoughts. She opposed bank bailout as the sheep, McCain and Nobama, flew to D.C. and held hands.
Belinda D.
Pelosi couldn't live a day in Alaska. Palin is a rebel American woman. Def embrace Palin's zeal.
Debbie from NYC
Palin wasn't attacked, as far as I could tell; just the opposite. And as for leaving the politics out of it.. wouldn't you rather know the reasons for the picks??? Blind faith don't work anymore!
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