Capitalist Pig Bob thinks Obama's 1st 100 days have set the free-market system up for long-term failure. Anyone celebrating the trillions of dollars of bloated gov't spending should be ashamed themselves. The U.S. is in the process of being dumbed down with so called Pelosibanomic efficiencies. Paradoxical efficiencies that will lead to a dumbed down gov't regulated economy, and eventual loss of entrepreneurship/risk/venture capitalism, and the private free-markets sectors of yesteryear. Legislation like Cap and Trade, EFCA, nationalized health care, and increased powers to all gov't agencies: USDA, FDA, etc. etc. will have extremely negative ramifications for our children and young adults. The irony of massive short-term spending is middle aged and senior citizens may actually benefit, yet their grandchildren will be left holding the bag
Capitalist Pig Bob hopes American citizens become more vocal very soon against this control freak in the white house.
When a man exposes patriots like Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Cheney for waterboarding terrorists directly after 9/11, yet does NOT release documents that prove their efforts stymied terror plots and saved American lives, he is beyond shameful and deserves to fail. Repeat, Obama is beyond shameful and deserves to fail. Please support our efforts to speak out against Obama by subscribing to the blog with a simple e-mail: Be it known, IF Obama were to suddenly to change his fiscal poliicies 180, he would have a chance to be the greatest president ever due to his Kool-Aid like popularity.
Capitalist Pig Bob would be the first man to stand up in his favor. Yet there is absolutely NO reason to believe that Pelosibanomics will stop leading the naive American herd down a dumbed down western european path. A dumbed down path that believes alternative energy is the answer to greater prosperity. A dumbed down path that believes every state must bow down to unionization: Dear sir Mr. Obama, you may be asking for an uprisining in right to work states IF EFCA is passed. Coincidentally, most of these states took a lot less of stimulus money than unionized states, and
Texas in fact rejected every dime of your unemployment stimulus. Didn't you want a united America?
Didn't you run on bipartisanship?
CPB concludes your first 100 days have been a capital/fiscal failure.
Long-term failure??
Jump on this rally boys and have fun with the rest of us!
I believe this pres is a control everything freak. Kudos to potc~
Very conservative view, but def pragmatic to the core. I like your thinkin Lincoln.
Lincoln would be ashamed of Berry Obama. Berry is very removed from Lincoln's republican values.
Berry is bankrupting everything and putting it in the U.S. Government column.
Rupert K.
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