Perhaps Joe Biden wasn't briefed that things weren't developing as planned, and made an ass of himself by scaring Americans today. Only if Biden came out and told us not to eat pork could he have stuck his foot in any deeper: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/21925.html
IF you Google "Obama and food safety", you will find he had motivations to expand USDA and FDA powers ahead of this pig flu. One POTC team member personally used the FDA model food code to teach Food Safety seminars, so we're not writing this from amateurish standpoint.
The amount of federal monies for City of LA, San Francisco, NY, or Chicago food inspectors is a motivation with a social crises of farm diseased animals like pigs no doubt. Especially viral illnesses that can spread through casual contact. As spread of viral diseases almost always requires a "living host and then blood to blood contact", impossible by eating cooked food obviously.
Under the elephant regime, Chicago inspectors had to write violations/tickets to have their agency survive, be self supporting. Under Obama, they may look to write fewer tickets and count on gov't monies to flow in. Which food safety model of representation do you prefer? CPB thinks local food safety codes are enforced better with NO federal money. The local/city inspectors are then forced to work and find food saftey violations in order to receive a pay check; making eating at restaurants safer for Americans. And IF some violation turns out to be bogus, a judge inside some city courtroom is there to protect that restaurateur.
CPB thinks the swine flu is a political ploy gone bad, and CPB thinks Calderon and Obama may have a lot of explaining to do. IF this turns out to in fact be a man made virus, the political careers of public officials here and in Mexico must be called in to question. Especially in the face of the Mexican drug war suddenly falling out of the mainstream news post U.S. delegation, not suspicious at all???
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