Morning to all,
The three day weekend brought no substantive bank policy news from Mr. Tim Geithner and the market is not saying '
good morning' but screaming '
good murder'...
With the S&P down under 800,
POTC recommends
not establishing any long
February option positions until late Wednesday afternoon at the earliest, as we do see a short covering rally beginning Thursday either due to positive bank policy announcement(s), or an SEC policy announcement regarding mark to market accounting in combination with a reaping of profits technical rally ahead of the weekend.
Oil is selling off hard, and although a negative in the short-run as S&P heavyweights like
XOM are correlated, the long-term effects will be very positive for business and the consumer.
POTC would consider buying
CHK into what we view as a near bottom (within 10%) for oil and natural gas.
Companies like
CHK are stock piling supplies at current prices, and with the global population not going away anytime soon the need for these commodities will not vanish. Consider
CHK as a core concentrated holding in 2009. (POTC just broke Commandment #5, "never fall in love with a stock": we confess and ask for your forgiveness.)
POTC recommends buying
CHK in the low $17 range and having a sell stop in 15% below. We strongly believe
CHK could be up over 30% in the next several months as clearer minds prevail.
The Peter Schiff''s and Marc Faber's of the world look brilliant today, yet their perma-bear rhetoric is stale, monolithic and too rigid to profit from as the market will eventually find some equilibrium and pivot higher, leaving the perma-bears with their
fools’ gold medal.
The global landscape is experiencing a paradigm shift away from traditional brokerage & banking and as the details are ironed out, technology and other unrelated sectors will thrive; nobody will invest capital in nationalized entities.
Money will begin to flow to large technology names in time; consider "cream of the crop" companies like
AAPL as the market washes out more weak sisters.
GOOG and
AAPL are two cash rich companies that will continue to shock the world through innovation & win great market share in this environment. Cash rich leaders will emerge stronger, so we are excited by gap down type pullbacks as they offer terrific opportunities for retirement accounts.
IF we do close on the lows today, we envision a massive ripple effect around the globe, and a climactic swing/pivot point tomorrow or Thursday perhaps. Exhibiting
patience today may be difficult, yet we believe it will reward you over the short & long-run; forcing trades and merely
hoping the market turns makes less/little sense.
Psychology of the Call team thanks you for your Tuesday morning attention.
I own CHK and am unhappy. Hope you are right about the 10% call in a bottom for oil and nat gas.
The U.S. is going down down down, nobody can save it. Obama will be one term prez imho. Good luck to all who voted him in, you will be starving soon.
Like the GOOG call!! When does money come back to this crooked market though? Obama seems to be driving the country down some socialized path. One term and out if the market falls further. All a bunch of crooks in power! Obama no different!! great blog,
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