Saturday, February 28, 2009
"Meltdown of Wealth Offers Pres Obama a Last Chance Gasp at Capitalism"
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Irony Behind Friday's National Polar Day Alarm

Come to think of it, the Psychology of the Call team much rather root for the Polar Bear after all. Any updates on the Clinton spotted owl are welcome. This downbound market train has left most without any Satisfaction; here's the next American superstar entrepreneur in no need of a bail-out, Adam Lambert:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
President Obama is Raising Taxes on Corporate America's Oil & Gas
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Falling Japanese Yen is a Negative Development for U.S. Equities
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
POTC's Time Sensitive Trading Alert for March: Strangle Sears Holding

Today marks the 277th Birthday of President George Washington
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Patiently Trained Psychological Eye is Open to Educational TV
{1} We believe in patience. A patient trader waits for superior opportunities to enter and exit. A trader who forces trades after winning or losing will set himself up for avoidable losses. Do not allow a gamblers' mentality to take control of your behavior. Not trading for a couple days will clear your mind and reward you more often than not.
{2} We believe in trading higher priced liquid stocks. They tend to have much smaller option spreads and to exhibit greater volatility, and volatility is the key to making money. Volatility in these higher priced stocks like CME or GOOG can be caused by stock specific news related to conference calls, executive presentations, earnings releases, management changes, law suits, technology/patents, sector news, and short interest. Volatility is also caused by the overall market/S&P. Take advantage of that S&P volatility by setting specific entry and exit points based on support & resistance lines.
{3} We believe in only trading above average entry points.
{4} We believe the market will be around next Friday, next month, and next year (with the new anti Wall Street populism, this theory is being tested). Yet we take at least one day a week off in order to clear our minds. Cultivate a hobby because a healthy life style contributes to a healthier mind and thus better risk:reward set-ups. Better trading decisions result when we are well rested and involved in other things besides trading. Go fishing, go antiquing, visit a museum, plant a vegetable garden, do anything other than thinking about the markets (yes, we are serious; try it!).
{5} We believe investor sentiment/psychology and S&P swings affect individual stock movements in the short run more than any fundamental metric or ratio. Exhibit caution when attempting to trade on backward looking fundamental analysis and supposed forward-looking analyst estimates, as they are usually too optimistic due to the misleading PR spin of many firms. It makes more sense to go long after a stock has been downgraded than upgraded, as institutions have vested interests in their recommendations. It also makes more sense to go long a stock that has lowered their guidance than raised, especially if it's above its 200 day moving average.
{6} We believe there is only one Warren Buffet (and even his buy & hold prowess is being questioned in '09). Buy & hold is not recommended in today's market. You must master market mechanics through what we call Psychological Financial Fusion and you will become a very successful trader by understanding how fundamentals, technicals, politics, and psychology are intertwined and work to whipsaw long & short positions from day to day.
{7} We acknowledge the importance of always maintaining a minimum 30% cash balance in your account, and recommend booking profits of 30% or more (especially on Friday). Wise traders shrink into the weekend to avoid the risk of negative/positive geo-political events/shocks.
The Psychology of the Call team wishes all a happy & healthy weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Incredible Sinking REIT Ship

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pervasive Bad News

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday Morning's Trading Alert & Market Psychology

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Leading Economic Indicator that Dates back to the 21st President of the United States

As CFO's experience this lower cost, the global economic slowdown is taking an even bigger toll on sales, share price, and margins. Profit margins at many of these companies are contracting due to desperate attempts to hedge what was a run-away oil market. Some airline CFO's stock piled crude supplies after it broke through $100/barrel, then $90/barrel, and then $80/barrel, and so on and so on. Thus the current price of sub $40/barrel has them miffed as global deleveraging is causing a domino effect of anemic business with the added burden of a higher cost supply glut in the short-term.
Even though the DJT's are a cyclical bunch, they usually signal an economic recovery before most other sectors since they must deliver raw materials from point A to B to point C. The raw materials then become manufactured before eventually being sold at your Best Buy, WalMart, or Sears. The signals aren't looking too positive from a fundamental aspect of late since GDP and unemployment continue to suffer; the short-term technicals aren't giving us any bullish confirmations either. Please notice the DJT's dragging the S&P lower in this 3 month chart, foreshadowing a lower stock market ahead:
^GSPC = S&P 500
^DJT = Dow Jones Transportation Index
Since the DJT index is a corner stone of market history, forward-thinkers would be wise to follow it and use it in addition to the S&P when setting up pivot points for trades.
The financial sector is still a large weight inside the S&P index, and yet it hasn't dragged the S&P below the DJT in the last 3 months. The index is not signaling an economic recovery anytime soon, yet the longer-term(5 year) chart does reveal some fairly solid footing in the 2,700-2,800 range.
While you can invest in thousands of stocks that are not directly part of the DJT, just about every stock you choose will be at the mercy of some transport cost(s). If you share our optimism in an eventual economic recovery, monitor this index in the next few days, weeks and months; it may help you profit...
POTC respects the Dow Jones Transportation index because it has stood the test of the most powerful judge, Father Time. We were happy to dust off this little piece from our blog archive. The entire Psychology of the Call team thanks you for the opportunity to educate. We wish you a wonderful three day Presidents' weekend; special wishes to Lance S. J., who will be recovering quickly; thoughts & prayers to the 50 who perished late last night in Buffalo as well. We leave you with a little science, what most successful traders follow in order to evolve/profit:
-----------------------------The 11 Commandments of Trading----------------------
1 Never trade more than 10% of your total capital/account value in any one position.
2 Cash is King, and we recommend keeping a minimum of 30% liquid to take advantage of dislocations and volatility.
3 Cut losses to 15% maximum whenever possible. If your psyche is shaken, step away and don't trade for 1 week; defense is of critical importance.
4 Take and enjoy profits of 30% or more.
5 Never fall in love with a stock/option and never force trades or over trade; remember commandment #2.
6 Never accept excuses from corporate management or politicians.
7 Use technicals, fundamentals, politics (policy), & psychology/sentiment from the conference calls to select trades: Psychological Financial Fusion.
~8~ There are two sides to the market, long & short; take advantage of that leverage and trading volatility.
9 Understand & respect the significance of the macro geo-political environment.
10 Unforeseen events/shocks will happen, inverting the market upside down or right side up (remember commandments #1 & #2).
11 All of the above are void without reading the Psychology of the Call.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, 16th President of the United States of America (R)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Height of Political Hypocrisy; Lynch Mob vs Wall Street

The Upcoming Commercial Real Estate Woe
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Trouble Filled Waters for Traditional Buy & Hold in '09; CAUTION URGED

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday's Intraday Trading Alert

POTC Takes Notice of Ex-WalMart Board Member's First Trip

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
GSachs' Tone is Bullish

Pairs Trade Update

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Pres Obama's Honeymoon Blitz (ABC, CBS, NBC, & Fox News); Elephants Not Stimulated by Bill

Monday, February 2, 2009
Time Sensitive Technical Trading Alert

President Obama, Stop Tearing Down that Wall

Sunday, February 1, 2009
POTC's Short-term Option Trading Alert & Update of XOM/BP