Psychology of the Call (
POTC) team congratulates Barack Obama, our 44th President. We watched the historic inauguration and are at a lack for words and feelings to describe the moments. Perhaps a patriotic paradox unfolded to the cheers of billions of people around the world.
President Obama faces tremendous financial and geo political challenges, yet his rare intellect should help him better maneuver through the debris; more so than some of his beaten and out of touch competition.
The $700B stimulus package was green lighted by Senator McCain and President Obama, yet Governor Sarah Palin opposed it. Facts are facts: how can a fiscally conservative thinker not see the damage caused by the stimulus package?
The financial sector has received a huge amount of money that was supposed to alleviate the mortgage, credit, and banking problems, but this hasn’t happened. Does anyone agree this is NOT a liquidity problem but more a breakdown of trust and psychology? The stimulus was passed under a Republican administration and herein lies the paradox of the nightmarish mess we're in...
We are proud of President Obama's inauguration speech especially where he included the word "patriotism" and his mention of "not giving in to terror", ironically a George Bush theme. Yet we’re disappointed by his failure to address the future of Wall Street, a Street that seems to be a doomed, dead end, one way road in need of more than an infrastructure face lift.
The United States cannot afford to lose private banking and Wall Street. IF President Obama's administration over reaches and over regulates this sector the consequences will be uglier than anything imaginable so far.
IF this administration nationalizes the banking industry the end of capitalism will be paved and the end of this great nation will be near. IF President Obama is to become a great president, he must revive positive psychology on Wall Street even though the Street has committed gigantic business mistakes recently. President Obama must not go down the path toward nationalizing banking.
A great leader cannot be partisan and condemn the foundation of our capitalistic society (banking); he must embrace it and breathe life into it again. We hope President Obama's administration makes smarter business decisions than the prior party of elephants who exacerbated this paradox of 100+ year old free markets getting bailed out.
IF President Obama's administration goes down the partisan road,
POTC predicts only 500 U.S. stocks will be traded within 3 years of when these regulations take hold. 500 U.S. stocks would mean approximately 4,500 equities wiped from the exchanges, a sure means to Depression and overnight socialism.
POTC hopes President Obama will be non-partisan and open minded toward regulating the banking sector, then we'll all be witness to the rainbow on the horizon.
Psychology of the Call team thanks you for letting us be ourselves again; we refuse to apologize for our views, as we are Americans first. Please come back soon as our 2009 ambitions will bring you a more well-rounded financial portal.
Island Where Forward Thinkers Evolve will survive regardless of what the new administration legislates; we want every reader to take advantage of the drastic changes ahead through ultrashort ETFs mentioned in our Friday piece, as well as being parked in cash more than EVER before. Enjoy the red, white and blue dreams still ahead of us:
Wow, very intiguing piece. Although I supported Obama through and through, the piece does give me something to think about.
Wow...that is exactly what we will be saying a few weeks-months from now?
No...maybe worse!
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