After analyzing the Conference Calls of YHOO, MSFT and GOOG, we believe MSFT's offer for YHOO will be north of $31, and perhaps closer to $37, and the news could come before the market opens on Monday. The $35/share would translate to a $49B buy out, most likely forcing MSFT to cut its dividend, but it's definitely financially possible. One of our team members holds the $32.50 and $35.00 YHOO May calls.
POTC recommends our supporters give serious consideration to going long YHOO today, using options or shares. We see much higher prices ahead...
Thank You for your Friday intraday attention. We wish everyone a healthy and happy weekend. Please visit us Saturday night to read about what the upcoming week has in store. We apologize for inconveniences from time to time caused by jammed servers, as our poll and images have been slow to update today.
Psychology of the Call sincerely thanks every single one of you, now in over 70 countries!
Google is the winner if the fight drags on imo.
The fight will be over when MSFT offers $37 ... ?
Google 'could' offer north of $37 to throw a monkey wrench into the deal, no?
the arbitage insider
Hope too many didnt take this advice. Looks like a long slaughter, Monday
Don't forget the recent Bear Stearns fiasco: from $30 to $2 to $12 in one week!! Ballmer says
$33, so Yahoo probably is forced to give in to $33 IF shares fall below $25. This story is FAR from over gentlemen ...
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